Getting a File from gitlab using a TOKEN
I work on a system in our lab that I connect to via SSH. Fetching a file via the web and pushing it to this machine is quite slow, and I want to pull on this machine directly. The trick to make this...
View ArticleLong Refactoring: Generators
While the main solving function is now cleaned up, I am not very happy with the code that checks the validation on each cell. I am not going to go through each step here, as the pattern is well...
View ArticleRust and Dependency Injection.
For years now I have wanted to write a DI framework for Rust like I wrote for C++:, I have not been able to wrap my head around how...
View ArticleLong Refactoring: Resetting the class model
With the inclusion of the Generators, the main functions seem to be in the right shape. What seems off is the naming of things. For example, we have a couple functions that take a parameter named...
View ArticleBuilding the Linux Kernel on one machine, deploying on another
Software Development flow is an elusive beast, easily frightened away. The easiest way to lose the flow is to have a long development cycle. Building the entire Linux Kernel takes time. If you are...
View ArticleGitPython do two files differ in different branches
Not quite as succinct as I would have liked, but this does work. This is a one liner in Bash, and I had hoped to do it with a single python call once I had the repo object established. In general,...
View ArticleSetting column width on Apache default index pages
If you can’t read the text on the default index page of your Apache HTTPD server, you can make it larger with a .htaccess file. If you put this in the root of the troublesome tree, it will server for …...
View ArticleReading envvars using plumbum
One of my new years resolutions this year was to try and replace bash scripting with python in some of my projects. The reasons for this include the ability to use objects to group parameters...
View Articlegitlab section headings in python
What a way to spend an evening.As I attempted to rewrite some Gitlab automation from bash to python, I stumbled over what should have been a trivial thing: collapsing section headers. They were not...
View ArticleConverting a Shell Script to Python
We have a build system that has grown organically. It started as a shell script. We needed to run it from gitlab, so we wrote helper scripts to insulate our code from gitlab. Then we added some helper...
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